
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Open Letters {2}

**More posts that I wrote before my miscarriage but I still want to share**
**We are feeling better and looking forward to a good couple of weeks ahead.**

Dear Gossip Girl on Netflix,
Have I really gotten sucked in by you...Geez
Love, Me

Dear Weather,
Your temperatures have made me very happy in the last several days.
And it makes our air conditioner happy, too.
Love, Not so hot lady

Dear Summer produce,
My son could eat his weight in strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, etc.
Sincerely, Happy Momma

Dear Squirrels & Vine Borers,
Speaking of Summer produce, leave ours alone!!
Un-Love, Mad Gardeners

Dear Mason, 
You Make me laugh!
Love, Your Momma

Dear CrockPot, 
You have made my life pretty easy lately. And you've kept my kitchen cool. 
Happy Momma Chef

Dear Husband, 
You are awesome. You've been working so hard lately.
Taking care of the yard. Taking care of the car. 
Taking care of Mason and me. 
You rock!
Love, Your wife

Dear Momma/GiGi,
We will see you in 1 day!!
Love, The Morgans

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