
Monday, July 13, 2015

The Morgan's Movements {Early July 2015}

PHEW! It has been a good start to the month. We have had some cooler days and that has been awesome because it has made for LOTS of outside time! 
Mason helped to pick up limbs and leaves one morning. BIG helper!

He and I took a little walk.

And he tried to climb a not-to-be-climbed tree. :)

I headed to dinner with a friend (yay for girl time!!) and Matt sent me this picture. Mason had fallen in the tub and bumped his ear. Unfortunately, it was the first of several bumps for early July.

We spent 2 hours at the park on July 2nd and we barely broke a sweat. YAY!

Mason and Skylar shared a sweet, sweet hug!! Love those kiddos.

See those war wounds? When we were leaving Grandmom and Granddad's apartment, he ran down the walkway which is a slight decline and he busted it. It was such a BUMMER!! But also, it was a teachable moment because I had asked him to stop and he didn't. So, we got to talk about how it's important to listen to Momma. He is such a smart boy and is learning quickly. 

This kid loves sunglasses like his GiGi!

And, after getting our carpet cleaned, we got a new runner to help reduce wear on the high traffic area. I LOVE IT!!

GiGi sent us a little care package and Mason was all about opening it!

A little reading time with Daddy before bed one evening.

On the morning of the 4th, Matt took Mason on a date for breakfast. They sure had a good time! 

McDonald's first and then Wal-Mart for sun-shade trying on. :)

Then they went to Home Depot for Kid's Workshop. Such a blast!

The 4th was such a good day for us including lunch with Grandmom and Granddad and then a full evening with the Rasnakes. I took no pictures but I will treasure that day forever. 

I woke up the morning of the 5th in pain and you can read the details of our miscarriage in that post. While we were at the hospital, Jenn came to get Mason and she obviously took good care of him. Pancakes and all! 

After we got home, Mason was all snuggles and I soaked it up. I love this sweet boy so much.

Later on during the afternoon of the 5th, Matt took Mason to the dollar movies so that I could rest. He was stylin' and profilin'. They saw Home.

Dark movie theatre pictures.

More snuggles with my boy.

And some for Daddy...

Helping Daddy with the chores! Matt was able to have the whole week off after my miscarriage and Matt, Mason and I will forever be grateful for that.

Publix sugar cookie for the win!

And pool time with an about-to-burst diaper. HAHA!

And then, without a diaper. HAHA

Praise the Lord for a growing garden...see our little watermelon!?!

Riding like a big boy from Grandmom's apartment down to their pool.

Pre-swimming snack

Ready to go

Look at that cutie!!

One more dollar movie for my guys...I wanted to go but I was still so sore and fatiguing quickly. They saw Penguins of Madagascar and loved it.

Movies wear you out!

One of my sweet aunts and her family sent beautiful flowers. They smell wonderful and have made us all smile since they arrived.

More outdoor playtime. Always fully geared up.

Wednesday night we went out for chinese buffet. It was a good choice and we all got out of the house. Proof I was there. :)

Thursday morning, I sent Matt fishing and told him to take pictures. Here was the first...goofball!

Pig crossing!

Beautiful day for fishing. 

"We love you, Daddy" pictures

We have had some tough days but man, those sweet spots in between were beautiful.

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