
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Strawberry Hill U.S.A

This week, our MOMS Club took a trip to a local farm, Strawberry Hill U.S.A. It was a fun adventure and I took way too many pictures to prove it. ;-)

Here's my guy ready to go! He wasn't feeling the pictures so I just did the best I could! 

He was better once we were in the photos together. Hey, look, I even fixed my hair! 

We made a quick stop by Target for a portable snack for the hayride and then we went on our way. Mason was blocking the sun with his shades. :)

We danced on the way there. :)

We made it! We were early so we checked everything out while we waited for our friends. 

^^^^Mason made sure all of the chairs rocked well. ;-)

Sweet friends! 

By this point, he was a little restless. We had all been told the hayride would start at 10 but it was after 10:30 before it did so we just tried to make the best of it. 
Mason pulled one of his buddies in the wagon. 

And then another buddy. 

And then, two buddies. 

"Hey, let's all take a group picture." aka "Let's wrangle some cats!" 


Mason asked me to come stand by him and he and I took a few pictures. I LOVE this boy! I have to show all three because look at that "Cheese". 

He rode the tire horse and learned about taking turns. 

And then, the hayride began! 
The guide said we had to throw our hands in the air and yell "yeehaw" to make the tractor start. Mason was happy to do that! 

Our buddy Anna was feeding the cow. Well, truth be told, she thought she wanted to and then changed her mind. So her Mom fed him instead. And Mason was behind me saying "No" when I asked if he wanted a turn. :)

Here comes the baby calf! 

And then, Mrs. Kris caught one of the piglets! 

We also got to see some chickens. 

And a big ole momma pig1 

Mason got to pick out a pumpkin. This particular farm used to grow pumpkins but found that the weather wasn't good enough to yield a big enough crop so they grow them in the mountains now and just bring them down for the kids to get out of the field. Mason loved it! 

We had such a fun time with our friends! When we got home, Mason was tired but our neighbor drove up at the same time as we did and she asked if he had time to come get a little debbie cake. You can see that he did! Here he is trotting over. 

Matt came home for lunch a few minutes later and "pumpkin head" time was in full effect. Mason did this all on his own and thought it was so funny! 

I've said it before and I know I'll say it again: We love MOMS Club! 


  1. What a fun day! Love it! And those little sunglasses just slay me.

  2. We had such a blast! The glasses definitely add to his coolness factor!
