
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Morgan's Movements {Early October}

October began with Mason telling me he was done with pictures. HAHA! 

Thankfully, he forgot the picture stuff and we had some fun at storytime! 

But, well, it got rough again around lunch time. Life with a toddler...

Sweet boy found my keys to use them to open his cash register. 

And happy times came again when dinner consisted of black beans...his favorite! 

Rain, rain, rain was in the forecast but it didn't stop us! 

Target trips are necessary even in the rain! Especially when we had to catch the diaper deals. :)

And rain can't stop Kindergym either! 

And Kindergym fun requires a banana re-fuel afterwards. 

Reading and fun time while we waited for Matt one evening. 

Breakfast time! 

And more reading time...always a good thing

I worked one Saturday and Matt got Mason ready and they headed to the Home Depot Kid's workshop. 

Then later on that day, that rain required us to nap and snuggle...duh! 

Silly time in PJs! 

We also got to see our favorite Spartanburg Grandparents a couple of times

And we tried to facetime but it didn't work! 

Our sweet friend, Rebekah, sent Mason a ULM shirt and he LOVES it! He refused to smile so the pictures don't reflect his love for the shirt...but it's there! 

Rainy days call for boots! 

Happy boy! 

Mason wanted to wear Matt's jacket one day and we couldn't stop cracking up! 

I also was nearly smothercated (our made up word) a few times! 

A cold evening called for a yummy dinner of chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese. YUM!

Evening reading time...

Matt enjoyed some playoff baseball and ice cream one evening while I was working and Mason was asleep. :)

Our sweet friend sent this text. It made me smile. 

Ready for the day with our big book! 

Mason got some piano playing time with our neighbor, Mrs. Phoebe. 

And we got to have a FUN ice cream date with the Rasnake girls! 

Matt had to get up early to mow the grass one day and Mason was loving getting to watch him! 

Then, they got to have some fun daddy/Mason giggle time! 

Mason asked for pictures by saying "Cheese". 

Mason took us to Yogurt Mountain one evening with money that GiGi sent. 

We ended our early October days with a yummy dinner and visit with Granddad and Grandmom! 

Early October was good to us! Stay tuned for our Atlanta getaway! 

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