
Friday, April 15, 2016

31 Weeks {Baby MMM2 Update}

31 weeks! We are definitely in the home stretch with MMM2!
Let's see what's been going on around here: 
--I purchased a little three drawer tower for our room to hold diapers, wipes, onesies, etc. while Little Bit is sharing our room with us. I think that's going to work well. 
--We had an appointment this past Monday and all is good. I'm measuring 32 weeks so right on target there. Heartrate was good at 143. If we are basing gender on heartrate, we'd be all confused because this little one's heartrate has been everywhere! :)
--I am doing well overall with weight gain for this pregnancy. I don't really keep up with it or make an issue out of it. However, at this appointment, I had not gained any weight in 3 weeks. That was a good feeling especially since baby is still growing and healthy in there. :) 
--Mason is warming up to the idea of a baby more and more. We are talking about Baby more in conversation and just making it a part of daily life. I know it'll be an adjustment no matter what but I'm just glad he's good with it so far!
--We got out lots of baby toys and such so that Mason could get used to them being out. Once Matt's parents visit and leave, we will pull out some of the bigger items so that they can be touched and played with etc. We've got a playmat, rock and play, and bouncer seat. We will also be putting the car seat in the car soon. :)
--I've been making my list for the hospital and again, once Matt's parents visit is past, I'll pull out the suitcase and start packing things. 
--I'm also working on a list of items to include in "thank you" baskets for the nurses and doctors. I did that with Mason and I loved it so we will be doing that again this time around. 
--Baby has been moving a good bit lately. I think he/she is a bit of stinker like Mason was and only wants to move when ready. I can't coerce much. haha! 

--All else is well. We will start 2 week appointments now and we will just go from there!

See you soon, Little Bit!!

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