
Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Morgan's Movements {Mid-April 2016}

Mid-April was FULL. It included a visit from Matt's parents which I'll recap in some other posts but until then, here's the miscellaneous happenings. :) 

After a successful OB appointment in which we learned that I didn't gain any weight, we went to celebrate at Bojangles!! :)

Later that morning, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's for lunch. Mason and Grandmom got a little light reading in. 

Mason and I went to visit Matt one afternoon at work and Mason was scoping him out. ;-)

After that quick visit and Hello to Matt, we enjoyed dessert, er, dinner?, at Yogurt Mountain.

When we got home, Mason asked to paint and I didn't have a good excuse to say no, so we painted!!

On Tuesday, we made a trip to Fresh Market to get some chicken and ground beef and we found out that they give free cookies! YAHOO!!!

After getting home from Fresh Market, our day went downhill. It was crazy and there was little fun being had! BUT we survived!! Matt got home and I headed to work. These guys sent me a smiling pic before bed and I was glad for that!

Wednesday was a MUCH better day and Mason and I headed to the bookstore to play for a while! 
He was READY!

The train table was a hit and we had such a fun time!

Thursday was pretty involved with grocery stops and it was a bit of a rough day as well but it was MUCH better than Tuesday because I learned a lot from Tuesday. :)
Good news? There were some smiles!

And there was snack time! So that's always a win!

Friday was our day to get ready for PopPop and Mammy (Grammy) to come and our first stop (and most important stop) was for donuts!

Friday-Monday morning, Matt's Mom and/or Dad was here and we had a GREAT visit! I'll recap that soon. 

Monday afternoon, I pulled out some of the baby items and Mason was obviously a fan!

And that must have been exhausting because snuggles with Dad had to happen next. :)

After getting our Hello Fresh box, we got a coupon for a free Graze box and it arrived Monday. There are some FUN and yummy treats in there. :)

Monday evening, we headed to Wades for dinner and it was delicious!

Tuesday morning brought out a couple of errands and once we got them done and got home, I realized I was flat out exhausted! Mason enjoyed watching Cars and I sat and rested. It was very nice!


Flat out relaxed!

Just before lunch, a policeman stopped a car right outside of our house and Mason was PUMPED!!

When Matt got home, we made a quick exchange of Mason. I headed to work and he and Mason headed to meet his grandparents and his Mom for dinner at Cook-Out. Mason loves his people!

After work, I stopped for my own was such a good dinner!!!

Matt and I had some good visit time Tuesday night once Mason was in bed and then we woke up Wednesday morning refreshed. We were all dressed, happy and ready to go by 7:45 so a picture was needed!!

And well, a silly one was required, too!

Mid-April, you were GOOD! 

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