
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mother, Could You Not? by Kate Siegel {A Book Review}

 Mother, Could You Not? by Kate Siegel is my latest book to read. Let me give a disclaimer from the start: I should have looked at the Instagram that this book is based upon before I requested this book to read. While this book is funny, it is quite crude. Way cruder than I imagined it would be when I requested it. 

That being said, Mother, Could You Not? is at the heart, funny. Kate shares the exchanges that she and her mom make via text daily. A couple of years ago, Kate began an Instagram account where she shares those texts extensively. Kate's family is Jewish and her mother, well, she's quite outspoken. 

While I did enjoy the heart of the book, the relationship between Kate and her mother, and some of the funny exchanges, the crudeness was difficult for me. 

Again, this is not a fault of the book. I did not read the synopsis thoroughly enough nor did I refer to the Instagram account before I requested the book. Had I done that, I would have known the path of the book.

**I received this book for free from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.**

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