These posts are quickly becoming some of my favorite. A fun way to put all of our miscellaneous pictures in one place.
This little scrunched nose is Mason's signature. And it's not just because he's touching the diaper genie. 

"Mom, I'm going to stand on these boxes and climb over, okay?"
We put socks on Curious George. Mason thought it was hilarious!
Every time I try to take a picture with Mason and he is holding something, he puts it to his mouth. Goof
We received a package from my mom and Mason loved the box.
and the package's contents...glasses and old remotes
We made yummy cranberry orange bread for our neighbors and friends for Christmas gifts. YUM! YUM!
After a long time being stuck inside, Mason was SO glad to get out and play!
Drinking (juice) and driving. :)
Sweet snuggles with my boy
We love having fun!
We pulled out just a few toys today...
Mason and I FaceTimed with GiGi and he gave her sweet kisses.
This boy loves his books!
and I love reading with him, too.
Facetiming before I went to a CEU course.
Mason, Dad AND George had breakfast together one morning.
Mason enjoys tossing his toys out of the tub at the end of bath. On this day, he was quite proud!
Matt put Mason on the bed one day while he was getting dressed. Sweet boy1
More FaceTime while I was at lunch in my CEU course. Love this boy
Where's Mason??
Matt and Mason met Grandmom and Granddad for dinner one night and Mason was giving Granddad sweet eyes. They have such a sweet relationship.
Big boy dipping his food in ketchup.
Grammy and PopPop sent us some Christmas presents in the mail.
Mason was pretty darn excited about it!
We went to The Polar Express storytime at the library. Mason enjoyed it and sat through the whole story.
Our neighbor, Ms. Phoebe, has light up reindeer in her front yard. We tried to get a few pictures with them one day. Mason was very busy exploring!
Working on our utensil usage. WOO!
Date for Momma and Mason to a local Chinese buffet. A buffet alone with your child is hard! Trying to hold him and fix plates, I was worn out!
Great Mom-Mom sent Mason a sweet little Christmas gift in the mail, too.
Chocolate and a cookie...she knows the way to his heart for sure!
Do I have Oreo on my face??
I have loved our Christmas card display so much and I hope I remember this again for next year.
"Yes, Mom! I'm in here AGAIN!"
My handsome guys ready for Christmas church service.
Wrestling time for Mason and Daddy
Dinner date for Dad and Mason. Mexican food!
We each loved having a date with Mason around Christmas.
See? Picture time equals things in the mouth!
Yummy dinner for Matt and me. We made pizza dough but it was a flop (still don't know why) so we used crescent rolls instead! It was so good!
Snuggle time for A Very Monkey Christmas!
Mason had his 2 week check up and he waited so patiently! Also, his ears are all clear!
I'll be back with a few last pictures from the end of December. We have had such a fun month!
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