Goodness, these pictures seem so long ago! Here's hoping I can even remember what happened back then. 😂
Look at this tree that we see on one of our regular walking routes. 😍
The sweetness!!!
GiGi sent some Thanksgiving decorations for the boys and they did a good job putting them up in their room.
More sweetness. Goodness gracious.
Well check for Mason and flu shots for both!
LEGOS. I MUST have earned stars in my crown for this task, right?
Mason was building a kit and Maddox was using the extras to build his own creations!
They both love LEGOS but definitely see them differently.
This kid...this get up started in early November and he still wears it to this day
The coolest kids!
I love these guys SO SO much.
Like father like sons. 😍
The most handsome 7 year old in the land.
And this one? 😍
Someone I got a foot massage and the Pedi-Egg from Maddox. I sure wasn't complaining!
Snacks in the middle of the road? Sure, why not.
Night time can't keep them from being outside.
A sweet memory. Our dear neighbor was fighting cancer and it kept him from doing so many things toward the end but he still managed to spoil these boys. I don't believe they will ever forget him. ❤️
Bahaha. Skunk peeking in!
Looking sharp, Morgans!
Ice cream in pjs. Major win.
I was impressed by Mason's thank you note writing!
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