Christmas is 3 days away. Oh my mercy. How is it so? We have enjoyed December for the most part. It has been COLD! I honestly like the cold but these dreary days have about done me in!
Anyway, let's see what we have been up to these days. We got all bundled up for church one Sunday and I asked for pictures. Mason gets our crazy, Maddox is still unsure. Bahaha.

This little bit is so serious. My mom has nicknamed him "The Professor." :)

Little bitty smile.

Oh wait! He likes to smile. Also, he's looking at himself in the phone so obviously he likes himself.

Mason made his first train track and I was so proud! He's getting there. He LOVES playing with his train set.

Then, we made a bigger one together.

I was feeding Maddox and Mason grabbed his hand. Gah, I can hardly handle it!

And I also caught a good look at those eyelashes. Can you even?

Brotherly love

We have missed our Wednesday afternoon storytime and I finally got to take Mason next week. He loved it. I really do hope we can get back to it.

That same evening at dinner, he got into trouble for something and he came back into the dining room with this face. Oh the drama!

Potato Head play before bedtime is always a good idea!

That next morning, we went to visit Grandmom and Granddad. We LOVE our time with them. We played, ate cookies and drank hot chocolate and just visited.

Grandmom and Granddad have a box of toys that Mason plays with every time we visit. He has never asked to take any of them home until this visit. He picked up the bear and asked to take it home. On the way home, he was in the back seat saying, "I love you, bear. I really really love you."

Mason's other Great Grandmother, Mom-Mom sent Mason (and Maddox) a Christmas card and he was so excited to open it. He carried it around all afternoon.

Our sweet boy has dealt with the WORST diaper rash so after bath, he got to hang out with his bum out. He loved it! haha!
Goodness, I love him.
Both of my little bits. Hi, Smiling Maddox!
Mason put toys all around the blanket so he and his brother could play.

Friday afternoon, we dropped the car for an oil change and went to Barnes and Noble to play with their train table.

We had a BOGO coupon for Bojangles so we used that and splurged on cinnamon biscuits. YUM!

That night, we headed out for Christmas lights after dinner. That was fun!
I headed to work Saturday morning and these sillies sent me pictures. Haha!

After nap, I found them like this!

My big boy...

I tried some fun new hair products Saturday night and then I braided my hair...

and Matt gave it a shot, too. :)

Saturday, JCPenney had a coupon giveaway so I went and got one. I also had a return so with the return and coupon, I got this awesome blanket for $3!!! It is so soft and I love it. My guys keep stealing it!

Little Mister is sitting up alone and trying to drink my water. :)

Sweet snuggles between Daddy and Big brother.

Monday morning, I read Mason the Charlie Brown Christmas story and then we watched the movie. Maddox was supposed to be eating but he kept sneaking peeks. It was hilarious!

Mason and I made cookies for Mr. Dean, Mrs. Phoebe, and Mr. Larry. He was an AWESOME helper!

Matt saw this on the way to work and sent us this picture. Mason was bummed he didn't get to see it!
Pure silliness!

Just a few more days left in this year with some fun holidays between now and then!
Next year, I'm planning to start recapping our days one week at a time. I'm looking forward to that.

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