Last Monday was the premiere of Pinkalicious and Peteriffic. Mason had been looking forward to it so when he came home from speech, I had a snack ready for them and he watched the whole show. Let's be honest, Maddox was just in it for the snacks.
Love him...
Mom was going through some pictures and sent me some. Yeah, we definitely favor.
When I got the boys dressed one morning I tried to snap a few pictures. Yeah, it went super well. As it does every time.
We love the library and Maddox has finally stopped running the whole time so it's actually more enjoyable now!
On our way our, Mr. Billy said he was getting rid of this hat and wanted Mason to have it. Mason was so excited!
Ham bone!
We LOVE to walk around Target on yucky and/or cold days. On this particular day, we were in Target for a long time while the boys looked at books. So. Many. Books.
Again, great pictures. I mean, why!?!
Storytime fun with friends is the best! Mrs. Kris is the coolest mom EVER!
School time with Mason has been going incredibly well. He worked on some puzzles for his independent work on this day.
Building with blocks has become fun, too!
Mason said, we needed to put a sign about our great patterned roof. :)
Storytime with Dad with cookies. Perfect!
We went to the library and had some books to return. Mason wanted to read them on the way to the library. So it was a Morgan boy sandwich in the back seat. :)
Oh boy...
Look at those legs!!! A bit of warm weather let those cute little legs come out!
Hey! These pictures are pretty good!
So much love!
Matt took the boys to the park while I was at work and Maddox chose this "toy" to bring. 😂
Friday afternoon, I got off early so we all headed to Cleveland Park. It was a blast!
Maddox wanted to ride on this and all of the big kids started piling on and he never flinched. Rode it for the longest time.
Yeah, they are peeking in on me while I'm in the bathroom.
Mason got his buddy at basketball camp a monster truck to tell him congrats on being a big brother. I was so proud of him!
Library time!
So big!
We all did some yard work on Saturday afternoon. I raked the big pile back together and the boys loaded them all up.
Rest break!
Keeping an eye on Daddy.
We found a slug!!
"Let's take a picture before church!"Yep, went perfectly!
We had a fun week!
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