Well, I had hoped to post this yesterday but I've had a headache for many days now and I am just not myself! Praying it passes soon or I'll be headed to the flu-ridden doctor's office to see what's going on.
I took Mason to speech last Monday and Matt hung with Maddox. They played Peek-a-Boo. 😂
And then apparently Maddox packed for a trip. ;)
Lunch brought a messy little boy. He was darn happy about it, too!
That afternoon, when I checked the mail, the boys had a package! Grammy made Mason a hat and Maddox a scarf. They both love them!
Last night, Kris, Melissa, Jenn and I got together for girl's night and had dinner at Pi-Squared. It was delicious and we had a great time!
Tuesday morning, we had a bloody nose thanks to a toy. Not going to lie...I loved those snuggles.
Mason and I were inspired by some friends and we did lots of puzzles!
That afternoon, we hosted a Valentine's making event with MOMS Club and we had a great turn out and an awesome time!
Cute little snuggle bugs. Maddox was happy with a book until he saw Mason was having iPad time. Then he needed some, too!
Target run one morning. Our favorite!
Someone was a snacking machine while brother was in speech.
Then he had some puzzle time. He is loving puzzles lately, too!
I organized our craft/school closet one afternoon. I was darn happy about it!
Look at that cuteness!
Matt took Maddox out on a date to the park and grocery store and Mason and I stayed home and watched Cars 3 together!
Well, would you like to read a book, Maddox!?!
A couple hours later, that's exactly what we were doing together. :)
Pure Sweetness!
I like this "pretending to sleep" game!
I was at work and Matt sent me this picture. Mason made it just for me. :)
Matt also made cast iron skillet pizza and he was so proud! It was delicious!
Love em.
Friday afternoon, all three of my guys napped. You can tell those were good naps!!
Saturday, Mason had his first basketball camp (I'll share more about that later.) While Matt was there with him, Maddox and I were practicing him telling me how old he is. :)
Then, Mason and I went to watch Emily play basketball.
He played so well with friends while I watched the game.
Then, I surprised him with donuts!!
Just as I finish typing this, I realize I don't have pictures added from Sunday so I guess I'll add those later. haha!
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