JUNE IS HERE!!! Let me tell you what: June is BABY month at the Morgan house!!We are pretty excited about that!
And well, Mason? He's as crazy as ever! haha!
Matt and I are pretty sad that all of our shows are over for the summer. We don't ever watch anything "real time" but we enjoy catching up a few nights each week. Anyway, they are allllll over for the summer and we are hunting for something new. We tried out How To Get Away With Murder and we got 4 episodes in and we tried to love it but there is just so. much. vulgarity. So we nixed it. Maybe we will find something else soon.
A friend was selling Elefun, the game, and Mason has enjoyed it, although he has no idea how to actually play it yet. haha! He and Matt have enjoyed it most mornings before Matt leaves for work.
One of my favorite things about Mason is his love for reading. I mean seriously...
We had a fun Sunday afternoon date out to Greenville to try out the restaurant, PDQ. Their chicken and fries were yummy AND we got lucky and we landed there during 1/2 price milkshake time. YUM!! Mason was especially pumped about that. Notice the two cups. :)
um....yeah, he is dipping his chicken in mayo...oh boy.
This IKEA toy has been a the. best. Mason now likes to race to see who can get their 4 pegs hit down first...#boys
We made a stop by Wal-Mart last week for a few things and we found these super simple die-cast cars for 50 cents for 6. They are perfect for playdoh roads. ;)
We were able to make it to the new storytime on Wednesday. We were early and I kept trying to sneak pics of Mason in his hat. He wasn't cooperative...that's 2 for ya! That aside, the storytime was so fun! They did lots of singing and read several books. At the end there was a craft. It was a low-key group and that was nice.
Thursday was Red Nose Day and we made sure to show our support!
GiGi and Daizee showed their support, too! :)
We made a trip to the park on our way to the grocery store and Mason was enamored with this younger guy there working out. It was the cutest thing.
That afternoon, I got the rare treat of catching Mason still asleep after nap. You guys? He's about to be a BIG brother but as the cliche' goes, He will always be my baby!
For dinner, we made chocolate chip pancakes. Give ya one guess who made that front one. :)
While the boys enjoyed time at home, I headed to dinner with Kris. We ate at a Mexican restaurant that I had not been to before and I loved it! Kris even treated this pregnant lady to a milkshake afterwards. :)
Then, I got home and had to prop up my feet because...hello, swelling!
Friday brought a fun morning at the park with our friends. Mason had to try out Sky's glasses. He pulls off pink and sparkly pretty well! :)
The park was one we had not been to before and Mason loved it. We packed lunch and just enjoyed a couple of hours there.
These are our happy but exhausted faces!
Saturday morning, Mason had a little reading time in his room. He only read a few...
Then!! We had a donut date! It was quick but fun. These Morgans love our donuts!
After donuts, the guys got haircuts. Mason is always a little uncertain so Matt got his hair cut first, then George and then it was Mason's turn. The survival of the haircut was largely in part to our also stylist, Kari, and her amazing water bottle. Notice Matt's face below. :)
We joined the Y for the summer hoping that Matt will be able to have several pool dates with Mason while I'm at home recovering with baby. They went on Saturday afternoon and swam for 2 hours! After swimming, Mason had to see what everyone else was doing. :)
Saturday evening snuggles are the best. Can't wait to add a snuggly one to these pics!
These PJs just make me so happy. I took as many pictures as I could while he was wearing them!
Sunday felt like a great day for a lazy day so we took advantage of it, watched our church service online and just hung out. Beautiful.
Mason even got a little foot rub! :)
I had seen a deal online for a 55% off of this Green Toys Seacopter and had a friend pick it up from Amazon for me. Sunday night was the perfect time to bring it out. Mason played with this and only this for his entire bath!
YOU. GUYS. Sweetness!
and then? I got a foot rub/pampering too! The best!
Mason laid down for bed and we heard him poop. We got him up and he pooped on the potty. YAY!!!! We celebrated, duh!
Monday morning, Memorial Day, was quiet for us two. I built Mason a road while I got dressed.
We snuggled some, too. The baby was kicking Mason the whole time. He didn't seem to notice but I thought it was the best!
We went to our favorite park for nearly 2 hours on Monday morning and it was perfect. The weather was slightly cool with a breeze which is nearly unheard of this time of year!
I later walked in the living room to this. haha!
Pure relaxation!
The last day of May brought another OB appt for me. It was when I saw this picture that I realized the baby had certainly dropped!!!
The appointment went well, we sent Matt off to work and Mason and I hung at home. He was quite chill watching his morning show. ;)
The perfect way to end May and get ready for June and lots of excitement!
My kids LOVED the elefun game! I had forgotten all about it!