Mason turned 3 months old on February 1st! Matt and I cannot believe that we have a 3 month old! Seriously, whoa!! This has been a big month for our little guy, MMM!
(all photos were taken while in Alabama and the hats are ones Matt's Mom has made to sell; we just used them as props!)
(all photos were taken while in Alabama and the hats are ones Matt's Mom has made to sell; we just used them as props!)
I decided to do my monthly updates a little differently after seeing how Ruthie Hart did her most recent update for her little guy, Ford. I will use some of her model and kind of make it my own, I think!
Weight: We weighed Mason while we were at Matt's parents' house on January 28th and he weighed 14 pounds and 10 ounces!
Height: We don't know this yet because number 1: we didn't measure and number 2: he doesn't go back to the doctor until March so we don't have that info from them.
Nicknames: Chunka Munka (I mean, have you seen his cheeks?!?), Moogity Moogity Moo, Boogity Boogity Boo (I Have no idea!), Mason Man, Boo Boo, Moo Moo, Little Stinker, M-cubed
Eating: Mason started off the month eating 5 ounces each feeding 7 times a day; Around the 10th, he started eating 6 ounces 6 times a day (7a, 10a, 1p, 4p, 7p and 10p). By the 16th, he was refusing his 10p bottle so we stopped it and started feeding him 7-8 ounces (7a, 10a, 1p, 4p and 7p). I am pumping and giving Mason the milk I pump. I'm only pumping about 1/2 of what he needs so we are supplementing with Enfamil Infant or Enfamil Gentlease. We use Dr. Brown's bottles but Mason doesn't like those nipples so I use the Medela Nipples still.
Sleeping (naps & night): For night time sleeping, about mid-month, Mason was refusing his 10p bottle so we cut that feeding and he started sleeping 7:30p-7a. Some nights this varies a little bit (example: 8p-6:30 or 7:30-6:45) but for the most part this is his night time routine.
For naps, Mason has been such a good napper but we were out of town for 8 days in which he was held a lot of his naps or in the car for several naps so toward the end of the month, naps weren't as good but he is slowly getting back to it. After each bottle, he is up 1:15 to 1:30 and then naps the remaining time until his next bottle. It's worked very well!
This guy loves a schedule! I am so grateful for that. We utilized the book "On Becoming Baby Wise" from the very beginning and it coupled with some excellent advice from my great friend, Mandy, we were able to established an eating time, wake time, and sleep time schedule very well. It's great for all of us because it allows us to plan a day and still make sure Mason gets what he needs.
Diapers: Mason is mostly in cloth diapers (we use Sunbaby and Jungle Roo mostly). However, when we were on our trip for 8 days, we used disposable for ease and the inability to wash/hang/dry etc. He is in size 2.
Clothes: Mason is wearing some 0-3 months, 3 months and some 3-6 month clothes. It's so crazy how every brand is completely different. I have trouble keeping up!!
Social: Mason started off the month smiling more and more. Although Matt and I laugh because sometimes he is a bit stingy with those little smiles. He laughed once this month and it was obviously a laugh but we haven't heard it again! His first laugh was on 1/20/14. On January 4th, he smiled when Dad came in from work. He saw Matt's face and went from fussing to immediately smiling. It melted Matt's heart! Mason spent his first time in the nursery during my first MOPS group. The ladies said he did great!
New things for this month: We got one laugh! Mason is grabbing for objects more and more. He is also really grabbing onto our fingers or hands when we are feeding him or playing with him. It's super sweet! Mason took his first road trip which was extended by SNOW/ICE! He saw Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana for the first time! He was such a trooper on the trip. It was such a blessing!
Dislikes: Getting out of the bathtub; honestly, I'm sure there are a few more things he doesn't like but I can't think of any! :)

Daddy: Matt and Mason are having more and more fun with each passing day. Matt loves to sit on the couch holding Mason and just chatting or watching a little television. They read together and Matt is awesome with Mason during bath time. Mason pretty much wants nothing to do with me when it comes to baths. It's all about his Daddy! :) I know it won't be long until they are wrestling and rough housing! Can't wait!
Fun things: This month, we took a road trip to Alabama and Louisiana. Mason got to see all of his grandparents and we got to visit with lots of friends too. Our friend, Brittany, hosted a Sip & See shower for us. It was fun even though many people weren't able to come because of sickness or prior commitments. We had such a fun time nonetheless.
Comparison Pictures:
One month:
Two Months:
Three Months:
What talent to make such cute hats - a what a great model! :) He is growing so fast. I can just tell what wonderful parents ya'll are - he's blessed to have ya'll for mom and dad!