Matt's parents came for a visit at the beginning of the month (March 6-12) and we enjoyed having them here. They arrived Friday evening in time for dinner and we enjoyed some yummy chili mac and cheese with cheese muffins. They got a little play time with Mason before he headed to bed and then we played some games.
Matt and I made up a game board with point totals and themes for each night with a little prize for each night as well. It was fun to do throughout their time here.
The first two nights, we slept in Mason's room on the spare bed. Yeah, that didn't last because the first morning, he was like this peeking out. It was way too early!! :)
Saturday morning, I fried up some bacon and made crescent roll cinnamon rolls. Mason was my kitchen helper, along with his Daddy.
We made a stop by the library Saturday morning for playtime for Mason and to pick up some movies/TV shows on DVD for the week.
After lunch, we went to Bruster's for free ice cream if you wore your PJ's.
Mason was fussy for nap and I was exhausted so we napped together. It was nice for a bit but we got hot and he was sweating all over both of us, so that wasn't nice. But I loved the time with my boy despite that.
Saturday evening, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's apartment for dinner and it was so good! We enjoyed visiting with them and everyone else stayed and played games while I came home so Mason could rest.
Sunday brought a time change and church. And then a little play time as well!
After lunch and before nap while I finished dishes, everyone else went to Hatcher Garden for a walk. 

Matt and his parents went to his grandparents again while Mason napped and then everyone came back here for dinner of Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup and pull apart parmesan garlic bread.
Sunday night we were able to play games but then Matt got sick. He threw up off and on for most of that night and we were both just exhausted. We put any plans for Monday on hold and Matt's parents went over to Grandmom's to visit and we had time to rest and recover. Thankfully, with a little gatorade and some jello (and lots of sleep), Matt was better by midday.
Monday night, we had a potato bar with baked potatoes, cheese, turkey/ham, carmelized onions, etc. It was yummy and easy.
Tuesday morning, the weather was yucky so we headed to the mall to walk around, let Mason play, and eat lunch.
While I brought Mason home to nap, Matt treated his parents to a movie at NCG Cinema across town to see American Sniper.
Mason and I snuggled after nap while we wait for them to get back.
When they got back, Matt put together Mason's water table that his parents gave to Mason for his birthday. Mason LOVED it and we can't wait to pull it out more this summer.
We had pasta for dinner and it was yummy!
We kept playing all of our games including Farkle, Ticket to Ride, some kid games, Zooleretto, Crazy 8s, Phase 10, Scattegories Categories and a few others. Mrs. Claire won one night, Mr. Rob won one night, Matt won two nights and overall. It was super fun!
Wednesday, we went to the park to play.
I tried to capture Mason giving Mrs. Claire hugs.
Mason and Mr. Rob had some fun play time, too.
Matt's dad treated everyone to dinner at Cribb's Kitchen as an early birthday gift to Matt. It was soooo good!
Mason got in a little reading time with PopPop before bed on the last night.
And they all enjoyed a Bojangle breakfast before heading out! Mason loves himself a Bo-berry biscuit.
We enjoyed our visit and look forward to seeing them again in June likely in Montgomery!
(A few more random iPhone pictures as well as some real camera pictures to come later)
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