Early August has come and gone...my, oh, my. That just means it's closer to my birthday. Yahoo!!!
Let's see the randomness that happened during this first part of the month.
Mason made a train with all of his vehicles one morning. He was pretty pleased with himself. I was, too!
Super Awesome Brother wearing his Daddy's hat!

This ISpy puzzle is awesome! I'm amazed at Mason's ability to find just about anything in these pictures. Unreal!

With some early birthday money, I purchased this awesome hat for myself. I couldn't love it more!

Mason had a dentist appointment last week and we brought Grandmom along with us. I was SOOO grateful! After, we went over to visit with she and Granddad for a while. Grandmom loves these Morgan boys and they love her!

Snuggles with my big guy!

Snuggles, spit up, and love.
CiCi's pizza for the win!

While they pizza-ed, we snuggled!

K and A came over one morning to visit and play. Play inside was a little strained so we went to the garden across the street. It was great!

A caught this little bitty frog! We were all amazed that she even saw it in the first place.

After they left, Mason was WORN OUT! He set this up so he could "relax".

I cannot get enough of this little bit!

This? Oh that's just big brother licking the Chik-Fil-A sauce container!

How appropriate...a book road for his school bus. Love his imagination.

A homemade crane. ;-)

Brother time while I read them books.

Our neighbor brought over change for both of our boys. (They gifted Mason a piggy bank as a big brother gift and since then, they've been bringing over change for them.)

Love him...
Mason fixed lunch for Matt including Lightening McQueen.
Dinner out after a busy weekend. Mason DRANK salsa and enchilada sauce...hahah!

Mondays are for stories!
Sweet sleepy boy!

And a happy one!

What are legs good for? Car tracks, of course!

Brother time!

Laid back after nap time on a rainy day...

GiGi found some vintage cars at her house and sent them to Mason. He was pumped!

Mason was here!

Late evening treat on the living room floor while watching the Olympics. Not much better!

Maddox had his shots and he was SLEEPY all day long!
We all took it easy with movie time and lots of rest.

Our ped has a son named Mason, too. She brought us this shirt at our appointment. She said he son never wore it and she thought Mason would like it. What a treat!

More sleepiness...

Just chillin!

I enjoyed all of the extra extra snuggles!

Tummy time makes him smile!

See ya later Early August!
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