Let's see what Mason has been up to lately...
(he loves to read...magazines, books, etc.)

One day I asked Mason who he thought I was married to and he said "GiGi". I told him I was married to Daddy and he said "Oh okay'. Then I asked him who he was going to marry and he said "You Ma!" :) Just a few days later, he remembered exactly what we talked about. His ability to remember is the best. Smart little guy.
When Matt's parents were coming to visit, I told Mason that morning. He started running about the house saying "PopPop Mammy. PopPop Mammy. PopPop Mammy. OH YEAH!!"
Matt and Mason were somewhere one day and saw some golf on the TV. Matt taught Mason how to do a golf clap and it is HILARIOUS!
After Matt's parents left, Mason and I were talking a few days later. He asked about them and I reminded him they were home now. He said, "Yeah, home with their choo choo train." It took me a bit to figure it out and then I realized that he was remembering the train that they put around their Christmas tree. He had not seen that train since December!!! I asked him again to ensure that's what he meant and said "round kissmass tree." Matt and I were blown away!
My dear sweet husband taught Mason how to give a wet willy. Oh boy, life will never be the same. haha!
One morning, Matt and Mason were racing toy lawn mowers and Mason said "one two three four five six seven GO!"
That's it for this edition of Mason Says and Does!

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