It's now August!! That means that it's my BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!! WOOHOO!!!
However, we've got to go back and recap the last of July!
Sweet snuggles one morning before Dad headed to work!
Y'all...can you even handle it!

Helping Momma

Matt and I have been back to taking a "time out" once a week or so. That just means that we each take some time to ourselves. We alternate who goes out and who stays home. It works well for us. Matt went out on this particular night and enjoyed a yummy snowball!

I cannot even handle this!

Comfy seat, Mason?

Just playing a little game of "Where's the Pacifier?"

Our life these days...sweet sleep and lots of TV shows ;-)

Well, well, well. This was Maddox's face after he had a poop accident in the bathtub. My facial expression was
Ta-da! Look at this "Monster Truck!"

Blurry pics of little brother moving his head all around; working on those neck muscles.
Momma and boys snuggles...the best!

A zoom in of Maddox's facial expression in one...haha!
We made a return to Kindergym which we were so excited about BUT the teacher on this particular day was not the greatest. Oh, well! We had fun with our buds, anyway!
Friday afternoon hangs...
Mason went to the bathroom to wash his hands and came back into the living room like this...haha!

To my knowledge, Mason's first selfie

Stickers for Momma!

Matt sent me this while I was out one day.
Big Boy helping Dad at Home Depot.

Little one filling out 3 month clothes.

Elton John in the HOUSE!

Matt and Mason all snazzy for church. I am missing attending in person and I'm so grateful for an online service. We will all get back to it soon!


Afternoon froyo date? Don't mind if we do!
Maddox was there, too.

all the guys needed to be without their shirts...Maddox obviously wasn't a fan.
Snuggle time before bed...sensing a trend here? We like our snuggle times!

Mason almost always wants to be near Maddox. I love it.

The sweetest moments...

Last Monday I ended getting sick with a sinus infection. Matt was able to come home and that afternoon, he and Mason went to the mall to play and walk/run around. I was so grateful because I felt like junk and ended up sleeping for 3 hours during the day.

Photo booth pics!


Someone doesn't feel well.

Daddy makes him smile, though!

A sick day at home with both boys called for an at home ice cream date once Matt got off of work!
This kid LOVES his jungle mat. He's now reaching the elephant as well as some of the other toys. Yay!

Snack time!

It's a party over here! A boogie party. ;-)

It's the BEST! Cannot wait to see these guys grow up together.

Tummy Time. This particular session was hilarious because Mason started "whining" to get me to help him get his toys, etc. I was cracking up laughing!

After several days of quarantine, we broke out for an errand and Mason got a donut! Oh yeah. :)

Floor these boys.

Someone is SLEEPY!

An evening grocery run with the best big brother.

Matt sometimes makes a tunnel for Mason to crawl through. Mason returned the favor.

Protecting himself from brother running around. ;-)

Mason and I made muffins together. He enjoyed the BEST part of (egg-free) baking!

Hi, Maddox!!

That little finger...hmm

Silly time with Mom while Mason was away.

I have followed Mo Isom for years. I LOVED reading the culmination of all of the bits and pieces of her story. Incredibly inspiring.

Fun at Hatcher Garden with Daddy!

Hmmm, wonder if he's hungry?

Happy Morgans!

National Cheesecake Day! and an at-home date night!

Early mornings with this guy? wonderful!

Lots of reading for this guy. It makes Matt and I so happy!

Ready for outside play wearing Daddy's hat!

Shucks! The splash pad's closed BUT who cares! The water fountain will do.

Pure sweetness.
We ended the month with a bang. A yummy picnic-style dinner with Grandmom and Granddad.
And a family fun night! The movie, Chicken Little, QT drinks, and yummy snacks!
July was GOOD to us! We continued to get into an excellent routine with both boys. We managed to stay somewhat cool inside. We endured colds and lived to tell about it. Bring it on, August!
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