Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller was one of those books that I kept hearing lots about on social media. I follow the author on Instagram and saw plenty of others sharing about the upcoming release, etc. I almost signed up for the launch team but it released on the day of several other books I was already reading and sharing about so I passed. THEN, I saw it was available through the publisher's review program and I knew it was meant to be!
Free of Me is definitely one of those well-timed books for me. I'm just in a bit of a weird space in life. I feel pretty mediocre in most of my roles right now. I'm not sure if that's because we just came off of a busy season, lots of sickness or if it's just one of those seasons. You know the ones...
Anyway, this book reminded me as the tag line says, "...not about you." You know, sometimes the things that happen in life don't really have anything to do with me. I'm sitting here laughing because I read the whole book and LOVED and then I reflected on my day and realized how many times I made things about me. Yeah, maybe I need to read it again. 😑
The chapters cover various topics and addresses just why those specific areas of life are not meant to be "about me". Miller then gives several chapters that focus on what to do when those things are too me-focused in an effort to regain right focus. Like I said, I really enjoyed this book and I truly hope that I will incorporate the principles in my life. The Lord knows that my husband, children and myself could certainly benefit from it!
One more note, I really liked Miller's writing style in Free of Me. The chapters flowed well and were easy to relate to and follow.
**I received this book from the publisher.**

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