Thanksgiving week has come and gone! What a good week we had and now we are in full on Christmas season mode! :)
Sunday morning, Matt and I were awakened at about 3:00 a.m. with a wreck outside of the house. Matt called 911 and we made sure the driver was okay before heading back to bed!
Before church, we headed to Target to pick up a couple of things. This has become a fun little before church activity. I asked Matt to grab a picture or two. yeah, that went well.
Got a little better. :)
Love my Man!
We always have to smell candles at Target and play on some toys before we can leave. :)
We headed to church and we turned in our angel tree items. Maddox was interested. Mason was super shy so we just went with it. :)
We attempted a family picture...again, kind of didn't happen but hey, it's life and I've learned to accept it.
Silly guy
Church was incredible and we definitely left feeling awfully THANKFULL!
After church, we had some relaxation time and even naps for all!
Matt had a photo shoot that afternoon so I took the boys to the library before AWANA.
AWANA was the last one of the year and the boys had a blast!
Monday morning came and Maddox and I enjoyed our sweet time while Matt and Mason were at speech.
Then a few shenanigans!
Mason made a pattern with his lunch and I was so proud!
That evening, Matt had his Fuse Feast and he came home with this! Oh my word.
Tuesday morning was laundry time and then we got ready to head out to the farm! The boys were being so silly. Propped up on the pack and play and the suitcase watching the dryer. :)
We headed out to our friends' farm just before lunch and after nap, the boys were ready to play! You can see Mason on the run up there. :)
That evening, I enjoyed a rare treat: live viewing of This Is Us!
Wednesday morning, the boys were excellent barn chores helpers!
Then we enjoyed some time playing with new-to-us toys. :)
Later on that morning, we headed to the Pacolet library to play and attend story time. We had such a great time that the boys didn't want to leave!
Maddox located an old cell phone and was talking to his "people".
Mason, on the other hand, found a cap gun and was hunting deer.
He loved the couches and found pure relaxation. ;)
Matt got to the farm that evening and I didn't have to work so we spent hours outside. I tried to jump on the trampoline but Mason told me it was for men only. Stinker.
The animals were all as happy as can be, too. The weather was incredible!
Just hanging out...
Mason and I did a little drawing.
After our evening chores, Mason enjoyed a little chill time before bed.
Friday morning, the boys and I finished our last round of chores before heading home.
Of course, our last round wasn't chill because a duck got stuck and I had to rescue it!
We headed home from the farm and after work, Matt took the boys on a date. They grabbed burgers and pie at Sugar and Spice while I stayed home to do laundry!

Saturday was a day of errands for the boys and me and photoshoots for Matt. It was a fun day. We got to visit with our neighbors, too. Between sickness, being out of town and just life, we had not seen them in a while! Mr. Dean pushed Maddox for a bit and it was so sweet!
Matt took the boys to the local toy store downtown and they had a blast!
The boys and I got some good time outside as well. The weather was perfect!
After dinner, the boys decided to end the week with a bit a trouble! They got over onto the bookshelf to sit and relax. haha!

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