It's Thanksgiving week! We do not have a particular tradition for Thanksgiving so we just go where the wind blows us. This week, we are spending time house-sitting for friends, we will have some time with Grandmom and Granddad and we will eat out at Waffle House for dinner. :)
That said, let's recap this past week and see what's been going on!
We were all ready for church early last Sunday so we headed to pick up a couple of necessary things at Target. Of course, we had to check out the Christmas decorations, too!
And dance to the Christmas music. :)
We attempted a family picture before church. Maddox wasn't feeling it. We finally get Mason smiling for pictures again and Maddox is out. #ParentHood
Sunday night, I baby sat for Jenn and her husband while they had a date. I got some girl time and some snuggles. :)
Matt sent me this picture of the craft Maddox made at AWANA. Can you even?!?

Monday morning nap time had Maddox like...He was not ready to get up!
We had a great day all together and that included dress up time. 😂
We got this little head massager in the dollar bin and Mason LOVES it. He needed pictures of himself. ;)
When Maddox woke up from nap, the front door was open and he noticed the decorations on the door. He looked at them for the longest.
That evening, I had girl's night at a new local Mexican restaurant, Mezcal. It was a yummy and ended with this dessert!
Tuesday morning was MOPS and it was a blast as usual. That afternoon, Maddox couldn't get enough snack. He's a bottomless pit these days!
Wednesday morning we saw our buds out at their house. The kids had a great time and the moms actually got to visit a bit!
That afternoon, we went to story time and it included a little puppet show. The boys both loved it and danced along with it when they weren't sitting in awe.
That evening, we went to Grandmom and Granddad's for breakfast for dinner. It was so delicious and we had the best visit!
Thursday was another good day and I didn't take one picture! Matt and the boys were outside that afternoon and he snapped this picture. Maddox was the foreman for the leaf-raking job. 😂
Friday morning, Mason loaded up this box and told me he was Santa delivering presents.
Our friends stopped by for a quick visit and the kids had a committee meeting. ;-)
Later ont hat afternoon, Maddox was ready to go! We went to pick up some items for church and Maddox paid. :)
Mason has been loving getting mail lately and this catalog came. He didn't put it down for nearly four whole days.
Friday night was family movie night and we watched Rudolph.
I was on the other couch drinking my hot chocolate so I snapped these pics. :)
Saturday was a good day and I didn't take one picture. When I realized that at night, Matt and I snapped this one! He had a couple of photoshoots, we grocery shopped, we ate dinner out thanks to a gift card and we just had a good day!

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