Time for a weekly catch up.
Last Sunday after Mason and Maddox took a bath, Mason asked for hair "like Momma and GiGi" :)
Matt was able to do that!
Mason fought afternoon nap but we really wanted him to rest some. He ended up with me in his bed and he fell asleep right on top of me. :)
I also got some Little Bit snuggles, too!
Mr. Adventure...always on the MOVE.
Monday morning, it was rainy and yucky UNTIL our neighbor brought over warm Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Oh my gosh. I got myself into trouble.
Mason and I spent some time playing inside that morning and we built towers and he made all of his cars and trucks line up and knock them over. :)
Then he wanted to get into the bed with Maddox. This is always so sweet, however, Maddox has been in there napping and is ready to get up and Mason wants to play. haha!
Boys playing together...I love it so much!
We got to visit some friends we hadn't seen in WAY TOO LONG! I didn't get many pictures but this one was cute. E was trying to get Maddox's attention and he was enthralled with her!
Tuesday brought speech and Maddox had a blast! He is standing easily. now and taking steps so he was exploring things he'd not really seen before.
Sunday through early Tuesday brought so much rain. Late Tuesday, Matt took the boys to Hatcher and it was insane how wet it was!
Goofball drinking water...YUCK!
Wednesday, mason and I made homemade banana muffins and he was quite proud of their deliciousness!
More love from Mason...More uncertainty from Maddox...
Maddox liked our muffins, too!
And some black beans!
Uh-oh. I'm not ready but it's happening. He is so doggone busy!
Storytime on Wednesday continues to be such a fun time for us. Maddox LOVES it now, too!
I went to get the boys Thursday morning and found Mason patiently waiting like this...hehehe
Just sitting a bit...
Now two brothers sitting together!
A little light reading, er, eating while sitting is always fun, too!
Friday was a FULL day of fun that I'll blog about more soon.
Saturday morning, we went for a Panera breakfast date thanks to free bagels. Yay, free! I headed to get my haircut and Matt did something for our neighbor. She'd asked him about the price of mulch at Home Depot and he just picked some up for her. He spread it for her and she was so grateful!
She gave him this for Mason....God Bless Her, she is so incredibly precious to us!
When I got home from my haircut, Matt took Mason to Big Air. We got a gift card for Christmas and it was a perfect time to use it!
I'm not sure who had more fun but I do know that Matt was definitely more exhausted!
Saturday afternoon we picked strawberries and then that night, Matt and I watched this documentary. It was incredible but I cried for two solid hours. I was straight up exhausted at the end!
It was a good week!
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