Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Circus {February 2017}

We had always said we would take Mason to the circus when he was 5 or so but when we found out it was closing, we decided to make it work NOW! Kris was able to get a GREAT deal on tickets and our family of four was able to go for less than the price of one typical ticket. YAY! 

The circus didn't start until 7:30 but we got up and headed to Greenville arriving around 4:20 and planned to walk around town, browse, eat dinner and then head to the circus. As soon as we pulled up, I realized I forgot Maddox's 7:00pm bottle. Oops! 

Leaving the parking garage, we saw this! The circus is here! 

We walked about .75 miles to get to CVS for some formula and a bottle for Maddox. Side note: he didn't take one bit of it. We couldn't find a bottle he'd likely take so we got a sippy cup and spent $17 and he didn't drink one bit of it and hardly fussed the whole time. Guess he showed us. HAHA! 

After CVS, we found a yummy sandwich shop, Sully's Steamers, and they had the most wonderful bagel sandwiches. YUM! We finished up and headed to Mast General store for some candy by the pound. These guys needed a little break, too. :) 

It was about close to 6:30 so we headed back to the car to try to feed Maddox and then get ready to go into the circus. 

Maddox ate his solids thankfully and we just decided to make it work. We headed inside to see what was going on. Maddox and I sat here while Mason and Matt explored the happenings on the floor. 

I'm going to start mixing in pictures from Matt's camera now, too. 
Clown noses! 

Not interested in taking a picture!! 

Here it is!! 

Mason was so pumped the whole time. This was part of the few minutes he was sitting with us. He moved down and wormed his way between our friends the whole rest of the night. Often drawn in my popcorn. Glad we have generous friends! 



Sweet friends waving! 


Blurry, but this little one was zoned in on the acrobats. 

Lots of circus activities...acrobats, tigers, camels, bicyclists, clowns, etc. It was a cute show. 

Keep in mind, it was dark much of the time so pictures were harder to get. 

Human cannon! 


There she goes! 


This guy freaked me out! 

Tigers...Mason LOVED this part! 

Trampoline jumpers. Matt liked this part especially and said, "Babe, I wanna join the circus." :) 

"No thanks. Not interested in a picture." --Mason 

Thankfully, Kris got one before we left. It's dark but I don't care! 

Anna wanted a picture with Mason but neither of them were actually interested in taking it once it happened. haha! 

Both boys fussed for about 15 minutes in the car before Maddox fell asleep and Mason just observed out the window. 

Maddox got his bottle about 10:45 and then did this when we laid him down. haha! 

The next morning brought this though so it was a-okay! 

It was a fun experience and I'm glad we got to go as a family. 

1 comment:

  1. How fun! We have one near us (maybe it's only functional for part of the year - I can't remember) but I have never been!
