When I was getting Maddox dressed, Mason said "You pretty Ma-mix!" I told him boys are usually considered handsome and girls are pretty. He said "You handsome Ma-mix and you pretty momma!"
Mason had made me lose my mind one day and I was just not happy with him. We were on our way to the library and he said "Jesus, thank you, for Mommy." and then he said "I love you mommy!" I lost it and cried and cried!
During the Great Stomach Bug Event, I asked him if he tooted and he said "No ma, dat you!"
"Sorry. Sorry, Miss Leslie." said one day while playing with toys
Just a random every day conversation...
"Who is my dad, Mason?"
"Who is your dad?"
"Daddy Dad"
"I tend like I not see you." --his response when I asked him why he didn't answer me...
Maddox was fussing/coughing in his bed and Mason was just singing to him. Twinkle Twinkle and Abiyoyo.
Maddox burped at the table and I said, "Maddox, that wasn't very polite." and Mason burst out laughing and said, "That's polite to me!" boys...
Mason got a toy taken away for yelling at me. (twice) He asked for it back later in the day. I asked him to tell me why I took it away. "Cause I yell yat you. Why I yell yat you?" "You tell me." I said. His response? "Cause I yove you!"
nice try!!
Mason got a toy taken away for yelling at me. (twice) He asked for it back later in the day. I asked him to tell me why I took it away. "Cause I yell yat you. Why I yell yat you?" "You tell me." I said. His response? "Cause I yove you!"
nice try!!
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