Y'all...the weather has been awesome!!! We have loved the cool days that allowed us to go outside without breaking a sweat in July! The rain put a damper on things a few times but boy is it good for all things growing outside. :)
Here's what's been going on with the Morgans these days...
Our little guy cut out his evening nap several weeks back but when two teeth started pushing their way through his gums, he just needed a little cat nap on Momma's shoulder. 

If I lay on the ground, this guy wants to climb on top of me. He's so silly!
Mason is learning how to brush his teeth. Oops, wrong end!
On July 26th, Matt got off of work early and we had a family date afternoon. What a blast it was and it was just what we needed.
We started off at Wild Wing Cafe for appetizers...
This little guy is a people watcher. He only turned around for food. HAHA!
We were excited about this fried goodness. Our original plan was for an appetizer one stop, dinner another stop and dessert one last stop but after this massive thing, we couldn't even bear the thought of dinner!
"Hey Matt, let me get a pic of you and Mason"....easier said that done these days!
After our appetizer/dinner, we walked about downtown, stopping at places we wanted and just taking in the day. One of the old buildings downtown had their store front decorated during a recent competition (I think). All of this is done with recycled material. It was so cool.
We made a stop in a new(er) shop called The Local Hike. Such an awesome store. Mason was infatuated with this big bear.
Date pic with my main squeeze
Then our family of three.
Mason was relaxing and propping his feet up at our next stop for a glass of Groucho's deli's sweet tea. OH my sweetness!
We walked some more and then made a stop by the Extended Stay office building and Mason decided to CRAWL a bit!
A little play time with Daddy followed...
I wanted a smiling pic but those darn sunglasses were priority. hehe
At the end, we got in the car and headed to McDonald's for an ice cream cone. Great afternoon for us.
For dinner one night recently, Mason had sweet potatoes, baked beans and chicken. Such a big boy!
Mason and Matt have enjoyed a little pool time, emphasis on little.
Mason continues to be cute. :)
Mom and Mason had a little iPad time together one morning.
One cool morning, we headed to Wofford College for the Carolina Panthers training camp. What a fun time!
Later on, we practiced standing by the screen doors to watch for Daddy.
And a few more shenanigans with Mom.
GiGi sent Matt some coffee and Mason needed to try it out too...
That same night brought fresh blueberry pancakes and a little boy who was happy to taste-test!
Matt drove Mason home from his 9 month appointment and I went to work. Matt texted me this set of pictures. Mason grabbed the small fan in the back that's been there for months, put it in his mouth and enjoyed!
Sweet boy!
Two birds kissing...
After his appt, Matt and Mason took naps. Mason was still sound asleep at the next feeding time. Appts can wear two boys out!
Love my happy boy!
And this boy loves bathtime!!! With him eating more finger foods and therefore, feeding himself there has been a slightly messier boy in our house which means a few extra baths each week. :)
We've been having a good time even if it's just doing the plain everyday things. Mason and I head out tomorrow to Louisiana for a bit. Looking forward to seeing some more family!
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