Thursday, October 20, 2011

Is Life really too Short?

Since I quit my job and we are waiting for God to show us the next step, I have had plenty of time to think about life (among other things). In that time, I have heard news of several younger people dying and it has made me contemplate a statement that so many people say, in fact, I have even said it myself. The statement is this:

Life is too short. 

Is it really? 

In the past, I would have said yes. Surely, young people did not live to the fullest possible extent because their lives were taken earlier than they should have been taken. 

However, now I think differently. I believe that if you are following God, seeking him for His will, that your life is never too short or too long. It's just the right length. 

See, if you are following God's will, he will leave you on Earth just long enough to fulfill the passion and purpose he has for your life. Once that is done, He will bring you home with Him. Why? Because he loves you.

What do you think?

Til Then-
Did You Hear About the Morgans? 

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