After a great Sunday service and a good family rest time, we headed to the mall. I was hoping to find some deals at Belk to use up a gift card and the boys just wanted to play. No deals to be found, however, the boys did have LOTS of fun! We had a stray dollar so they got to ride on the merry go round. A little boy was waiting to ride so we told him to hop on with our boys. Since we did that, his mom paid for them to all ride again. 2 rides for the price of 1. #HappyHappyHappy![](
The weather was so beautiful! Mason insisted on pushing Maddox in the swing.
Mason found a cicada and he was so excited!
That evening, we put the boys in bed and we headed outside. Matt grilled, we played cards, chatted and just enjoyed the gorgeous weather!
Monday morning, Maddox was a little sad to see brother and Daddy leave. We stopped the fussing by being able to look out of the front door at everything!
Mason came home and wanted to play. He built a car wash for his trucks. He used yarn for the brushes and the pinwheels to dry.
After Maddox's morning nap, we packed lunch and headed to the park to play and picnic.
Tuesday morning we worked on numbers during school. Mason is doing so well!
Swinging again!
That evening, the boys went to the End of Summer Reading event and they had delicious ice cream with toppings!
No pictures of Mason because he was not interested!
Wednesday morning, we went to Kris's to paint rocks with MOMS Club. Maddox was more interested in exploring. :)
And eating...
Mason enjoyed painting and then playing with the chickens and his friends.
We tried to get some pictures of Maddox in his little book bag. You can see that it didn't go well. Yeah, excellent pictures...
When Matt headed to church to serve, we just hung out. Maddox tried to get on the couch and I wasn't quick enough. This happened...
All better! Since he got to climb on the chair all by himself!
Thursday, Mason told me he was going to use the books to block the noise while Maddox slept. To be clear, Mason IS the noise. 😉
Later that morning, while trying to climb the steps, he slipped and scraped his face. He cried for mere seconds!
All better!
More climbing...oh my word...
Baking in his skivvies!
{Im}patiently waiting...
This may look like just a regular ole couch but really it's a pirate's ship!
More bubbles!
Daddy took the boys on their Daddy date to the mall to play and to CFA to eat.
Saturday morning, I got my haircut. It felt so fresh!
Then Matt took Mason to kid's workshop where they built a Penske truck and had lots of other adventures!
Pre-grocery store selfie. Love him!
Mason wanted one, too!
Cutie in the bath tub!
And it's dark but Maddox doesn't sit still often so I was loving this sweet story time!
We ended the night with a dessert spread. We didn't even eat 1/3 of this but I had fun putting it together and Matt will have fun eating the leftovers this week!
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